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Masterclass Replay

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Our company stores data for accounting & marketing purposes only. We do not store any personal/financial/identifiable data. By subscribing/purchasing through this website you agree to receive marketing /info emails from Deb Battersby or our brand FreedomPoint/Success Matrix. You may opt-out from our email lists at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link provided our emails in accordance to GDPR(Europe), CAN SPAM & CalOPPA laws.

Results from mastering this system will vary – we’ve done out best to represent the program fairly & can’t guarantee you will replicate the exact same results. The Certification process requires consistent work and practice. Certification is given only if  you have completed all requirements, proving to Deb Battersby’s satisfaction that you have mastered the knowledge. Improvements in your business are dependent on applying the knowledge contained in this program and will vary based on the effort put forth. No client or business results are guaranteed.

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